Hi there. 

I’m Margaret Thanos – director, writer, activist.

I’ve always had a thing for the theatre.

The moment when the lights dim and you sit in pitch black, waiting for the curtain to rise. The moment when the movie ad ends, and with a metallic brrr the screen slowly begins to widen.

That one tiny moment holds all measure of possibility. The next hour could upend everything you know.

But back to me. 

Who am I? I’m a creative. I want to make art that motivates you to get off your arse and do something. I believe art can actually change the world (hot take, I know). 

I saw a gap in the Sydney theatre scene for work that intersects art and activism. 

So in December 2021, I founded my own company – Queen Hades Productions. We’re based out of Sydney, producing new and unexpected art. 

Let’s make the world a weirder, better place.

Praise for Margaret

“A masterclass in directing.”

— What’s On Sydney on Labyrinth

“Margaret Thanos’ clever and well thought out direction is what makes this production so special.”

— Theatre Travels on A Grain of Sand

“Very funny, very frank and delivered in a perfect rush by Margaret Thanos.”

— Audrey Journal

“Thanos should be praised for handling such a delicate and thought-provoking piece with ease.”

— Atypicals on A Grain of Sand